Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hi and thanks for stopping by to check out my Blog .

This weekend the biggest thing that has been talked about amongst a few of my friends at work has been whether or not the new Conan movie will be good or even watchable. To be honest I was a bit dismayed that Jason Momosa was chosen to be Conan. I had the usual thoughts about "How dare they try and replace Arnold" but let's face it with original ideas dwindling in Hollywood it's inevitable that this would happen.

I'm happy to say that so far with all of the images I've seen so far from the set via various sites that Jason looks as close to Conan as possible and with the studio going for an "R" rating this could be a good sign for revitalising the franchise and for fans of the comic and novels as well.There will also be a lot of nudity and as we all know the 2nd Conan film with Arnold was a major disappointment and I personally don't think this new film could be any worse.
I know a lot of people will be upset with me for saying the above statement but the 2nd flick did start to stray into a cheesy side of the franchise that a lot of people would rather it not return to.

The thing that a lot of people don't get about the first Conan film is that Oliver Stone wrote it and while it did stray from the Howard stories I still felt it gave a certain credibility to the movie that other adaptations didn't have. Yes I know Arnold was at the beginning of his acting career and had a HUGE accent BUT there's very few movies that could deliver the insanity that Conan delivered way back when. Okay so it's not as crazy as it used to be because a lot of time has passed since it was first filmed.It's been what almost 20 years now?

Now let's hope this new film can generate this type of awe for a world,time and characters that have had a place in the hearts of fans for over 50 years.
I honestly don't want to get my hopes up, but with
each new image I see I can't help but be a little
excited. I'm also happy to say that Momosa does look pretty good so far and I also read somewhere that he's about 6 feet 4 inches tall. That would actually make him taller than Arnold who's 6feet 2 inches in height. The question is does Jason have the charisma to command the screen for at least 90 minutes? I have never watched or followed the Stargate tv series in which he acted in and have no idea but I want to give the guy a chance.
You'll notice all of the photos I included for my Blog and I hope as more photos become available online that it continues to build the enthusiasm for the actor playing Conan and the movie itself.
I had also read that Rose McGowan was going to be in it playing some kind of evil half/witch
and that I'm looking forward to seeing exactly how big her role will be. I'm hoping she's in it quite a bit. Yup I'm a sucker for Rose McGowan,have been, always will be.Sue me.

I know there's supposed to be pit fighting scenes in the movie and I'm hoping for messy,violent and brutal fights.
I'm thinking that we should all try and keep an open mind and wait and see how the film turns out before we start bashing it left and right. There is one thing that has always bothered me about the movie version is that if you read the books, Howard describes Conan as having a lot of scars all over his body and face due to all of the battles he has been in and survived during the course of his life.

Awhile back I saw the storyboards that Neal Adams did for the first Conan movie with Arnold that was never used during the filming. It was an opening sequence that would roll before the credits began and man I'd love to see this movie start up with an opening scene like that. Basically it showed a group of men that came into a camp after dark and killed everyone there brutally and then afterwards they begin to clean their weapons and relax. A huge shadowy figure drops down from the trees and destroys them and shows just how fearsome battles were in those times. Afterwards when the battle is over only then do we see the face of Conan and then the credits would roll. Man this type of opening would not only shut up a lot of people but would be the coolest opening of a Conan movie ever filmed.
The fan boy in me wants it to be a totally kick ass movie and I hope it turns out that way, i really do.
For now we all have to wait until it's finished.



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